Monday, November 30, 2009


It's been quite some time since my last post. I haven't forgotten, but have tried to!

I'm not a real big fan of writing. It's time consuming and painful for me to do. But, I realize I have so much to say to people and it only makes sense to share it here.

Although the economy may be suffering and people are not able to give financially as they once were, I have seen an incredible amount of generosity right here in my back yard. People are giving of their time . . . something that is even more valuable than money.

It is so easy to do small things that make a difference to people. If we can model this to our children, just imagine what it would be like if acts of kindness and generosity become habitual.

  • Hold a door open for someone
  • Look at someone in the eye and smile and say hello
  • Give change to the person in front of you at the supermarket when you see them searching for it
  • Bring the garbage can from the curb for a neighbor
  • Put the morning newspaper on your neighbor's front porch if it's thrown on their lawn
  • Pick up and throw away a piece of trash that is on the ground
  • Visit a nursuring home and share some baked goods

This is just a list I came up with while sitting here. Obviously, there is so much more you can do.

I'm not saying anything you haven't heard a thousand times. But, what do you DO when you hear these things?


It's so easy and quick . . . do something nice for someone TODAY and tell me about it!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Are you helping or hurting your business?

I can't believe how much there is to learn about the business world.

I mean, as a teacher, all I knew is how the school and classroom run, that's about all! I never needed to learn "new math" to become a better teacher. I obviously participated in professional development, but it was all within the context of teaching.

As a small business owner, I realize that learning never ends and there are endless ways to grown your business.

After a year, there is one thing I learned that is essential if you want to be successful . . .

Build quality relationships built on mutual respect.

Funny enough, that was how I became such a great teacher, doing the very same thing. I never took any business classes, but that was something that just came natural. I didn't think there was anything in common with my past and current profession, but I was wrong.

One thing I notice in the business world is that I can always count on someone trying to sell me something . . . whether it be a product, a service or a way of thinking. Some of these people - I don't even know.

Why do they think they can do this??

They want business NOW!!

As I have said before, I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. And through those relationships, yes, I have decided to "buy" what they WEREN'T selling to me.

Why, because I trust who they were and had respect for what they did and how they did it.

Although people go into business to be successful, not everyone is ready for the price they have to pay to gain that success . . . TIME.

Take the time to connect with others and build mutual respect and trust . . .

Just see what comes your way then!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's amazing how things can change in a year.

I wasn't long ago when a family car trip consisted of quality time talking and listening to the same radio station. I used to love that bonding time.

On a long car ride to visit family, my husband listened to his customized radio station on his Blackberry, my daughter watched her own DVD with her headphones on and my son played a game on our laptop computer.

It really is amazing how technology has changed the way families spend their time together.

When my son has a friend over, the first thing they do (try to do!) is run down to the basement to play the latest Wii game. Forget about playing outside when the weather is nice. If I let them, they would never look at each other as they'd be glued to the tv to see where Mario was headed next.

Today, he told me, "Mom, I'm just not the kind of kid that likes to play outside. I like to play the Wii".

How absurd!!

What happened to the days that kids where outside after they eat breakfast and played all day long until you called them in and listened to them complain.

Technology is great, but it's like it's a crack addiction. We need an intervention!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gloom and doom?

There is so much negatively today, especially surrounding the economy.

Why don't I feel it??

I'm just amazed at all the wonderful people that are "out there".

As I continue to grow my business, I have found that I have surrounded myself with like minds. People who focus on success and want to give back. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have found so many extraordinary people who are willing to share their experiences in hopes to help me in my journey.

I have reached out to the "untouchables" and they have responded. . .

Exexutive coaches who choose to give me their expert advice because they care
International speakers who try to guide me where I want to be
CEO of a company sharing her advice
Regional marketing directors who share tips and techniques
Television "star" who is willing to share his experience working with the same
population as me

What better way to put yourself out there than to connect with the people you admire who have done what you have done. Learn from the best.

Of course there are so many more people locally who have given their time to me one on one. It just amazes me what happens when you put yourself out there and are open to receive what's waiting for you.

So if you are watching the news every day and reading the newspaper about all the gloom and doom surrounding us, surround yourself with something different.

Surround yourself with like minded individuals. Put yourself out there and see what comes back!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Is your business doomed for failure?

I have found that being out on my own can be be a little scary and exciting at the same time.

Starting my own business was scary . . . I didn't have any formal training in business. Statistics show that many small businesses fail after three years. Was I going to be part of that statistic?

No way!

I enjoy learning new ways to improve my business. Although I'm an expert in my field, I have a lot to learn about running a business. To me that's where it gets exciting. I am not being formally educated at a college or university anymore, but I am continually educating myself. That's the key.

I go to the book store and library to find books to help me learn about various topics. I belong to associations and organizations to be part of a group and learn from others. I am part of an amazing business group where we learn and help each other grow. I participate in a mastermind group where we share our thoughts and aspirations with one another.

Here is a quote from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich . . .

"The person who stops studying merely because he or she has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what that person's calling. The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."

I welcome the challenge ahead of me. I know there will be temporary defeat, but as long as I treat each one as a learning experience and persist, failure can not compete.

Will your small business be here in three years? I know I will!