Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Find a penny, pick it up!

My good friend and business mentor, Barbara Giemza, told me a great story that I wanted to share. . .

Years ago, a friend (now husband) was discussing with Barbara whether or not he should leave his job in corporate America to begin living his passion and working on his own. As they were discussing this, they found a penny on the ground. Barbara, a believer in fate, picked it up and thought that was interesting. As they continued walking and talking, they found another one! She commented on it and picked that one up too. Barbara didn't share this, but thought it meant something. After finishing their conversation, they each went their separate ways. On the way home, they each found another penny. When they spoke that evening, she told him she beleived that there was a message behind the findings. . .

Do you wake up each morning looking forward to the day ahead? Do you know you're in the right job/career? Are you passionate about what you do?

Barbara's message was simple, if you follow your passion, the income will appear as easy as finidng a penny on the street.

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